Selected works.

Security, privacy and transparency research & engineering.

Notable Projects

Security and privacy related projects.

  • What The Internet Knows About You
    -- exposed, demonstrated and educated about the risks of CSS History leak.
  • How Much Are You Worth
    -- Analyzed private data flows in ad networks, used information leaks for fun and profit. Engineered transparency enhancing technologies (browser extension). Took advantage over standard mechanisms used in Real-Time Bidding. Link to results.
  • SensorsPrivacy -- A project analyzing, describing and demonstrating privacy aspects of sensors available on modern devices and Web browsers.
  • Security and Privacy Questionnaire - my work at W3C Technical Architecture Group term, privacy by design at W3C and improving the security/privacy review process.
  • Humanitarian consequences of cyber operations - at ICRC, researched the various aspects of cyber operations and their consequences, in light of existing body of international law such as international humanitarian law.

Selected Works


Papers are one way of summarizing projects and systematizing knowledge.